SNA Mission & Objectives

Mission Statement

St. Nathanael Parochial School, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines, aims to prepare young boys and girls for integral formation of a genuine Catholic life through the harnessing and development of their God-given talents to optimum use to enable them to participate actively in the transformation of a society that has a heart for others, a deep and unwavering faith in God, love of country and fellowmen, inculcating in them academic excellence and qualities of leadership to develop a strong moral character and personal discipline to enable them to meet the challenges of life and overcome the difficulties and troubles of our times through perseverance and determination and ultimately develop a productive mind, heart and body through self-reliance and resiliency and become models of society.

St. Nathanael Parochial School further aims to:

  1. Bring about Catholic action for a genuine Catholic life as the heart and core of our efforts to train our students in appreciating Christian values, acquiring good habits, participating in the Holy Eucharist and other liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations in preparation for a prayerful life, a service-oriented faith-life that is strong and founded in Jesus Christ.
  2. Inculcate in the young various disciplines in preparation for higher education through excellent and competitive academic training.
  3. Develop good cultural training through the harnessing of the students’ talents in various fields of arts, music, sports, etc.
  4. To train the young to become good citizens to enable them to develop a sense of belonging to one community, one faith, one body, with deep concern for the welfare of others and  ultimately become leaders with the gospel as guide and Christ as companion.
  5. To train and develop a deep sense of discipline through obedience to authorities and elders by learning how to take orders and execute them promptly.
  6. To prepare students for appreciation and respect for Filipino cultural heritage, pursue genuine Filipino nationalism, promote social justice and equality, learn self-reliance and productivity, respect for life and human rights and the dignity of man as the highest creation of God.
  7. To promote physical development to enhance the intellectual growth of students through participation in sports activities to develop their physical dexterity and stamina to foster such values as sportsmanship, self-discipline, honesty, sense of belonging, cooperation and team work.
  8. To help build Christian communities through participation and initiation of meaningful and vibrant liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations integrated in the different curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs of different disciplines such as Christian Living and Character Building, Communication Arts in English, Mathematics, Science and Health, Communication Arts in Filipino, Social Studies, and Work Education.